Welcoming the Quiet & Stillness

stillness of the season

Stillness ~ The autumnal equinox has already come and gone and now my thoughts are meandering towards the most glorious season of all, the winter solstice. I have mentioned perhaps a few times that autumn and winter are my most favorite seasons as this is when the quiet stillness begins and I greet the quiet with such reverence and internal joy.

For the blessed among us who may enjoy all the creature comforts of a home, the coziness that wraps around us like a thick flannel blanket this time of year is most glorious. It rained today with a slight mix of snow and when stepping outside I was greeted with a feast for the senses. Touch – the chill of the wind and frozen water trying to accumulate on warm earth. Sight – Large wet flakes hurled down from the sky, wet flowers drooping knowing that their days are numbered and birds scrambling around the feeders. Smell – Oh, the sheer joy! The earth responds to all seasons and during autumn particularly the musk that permeates the air is mixed with the decay of falling leaves and the ground itself preparing for transition. Hearing – water dropping to the earth from all the garden surfaces and the heavens but beyond this, the call of a jay, a crow somewhere in the distance and beyond this? Nothing. Just silence. Not many venture outside during inclement weather but this for me is the perfect time to leave the comfort of the home and embrace the silence. Every single day we are bombarded by noise and it is a human necessity to escape the noise now and again in favor of silence and stillness.

And inside? Soups simmering on a hot stove, cinnamon lacing a hot drink or perhaps some fresh honey? So comforting for a blustery autumnal day. Substitute the sounds of the birds outside with a bit of Miles Davis, “Kind of Blue” and you begin to have the optimal settings for some perfect nesting. As I sit and sip on a cup of tea, I realize many more of these types of days are on the horizon as winter will soon be arriving. Yes, beautiful winter and all the mirth and joy that comes with it including the forthcoming holiday season.

As I prepare for my personal season of quiet and stillness, I shall once again endeavor to provide you, my loyal readers and followers with some wonderful Halloween content followed by content for all the other seasons. If you have anything particular you would like to read, please drop a comment. I always like hearing from you.

Here are some items you can look forward to:

Halloween Story Contest 2016! – particularly excited by this one.
“The Story So Far: Great Expectations”
A Ben Cooper Costume Revival
“Sweepings of the Street”
And much more.

Before I leave you, here are some ideas for you to begin your own season of quiet:
Create a winter reading list – the thicker the book, the better! ~ Have you ever fancied taking on the unabridged version of Les Miserables?
Dust off some old family recipes and prepare something hot and delicious for friends and family
Make time for those in need – As the cold arrives, it may be the time for most of us to stay inside all cozy and warm but for others, it is a struggle for survival. Please help where you can.

Until next time, I wish you all nothing but the very best of all things.


2 thoughts on “Welcoming the Quiet & Stillness

  1. Eve

    Benny – a wonderful blog – but how can you like winter???? BRRR – even here, so many miles south of you, I am not looking forward to it…. and neither is my flower garden! But – enjoy …. and don’t forget you promised to come and visit!

    1. Benny Post author

      Hi there Eve! 🙂 Oh, how I do adore winter. It is a time for rest, peace and quiet both for human and plant life alike. I shall hold true to my promise and it will most likely be spring when your garden awakes from its winter slumber. 🙂

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