Welcoming the Quiet & Stillness

Stillness ~ The autumnal equinox has already come and gone and now my thoughts are meandering towards the most glorious season of all, the winter solstice. I have mentioned perhaps…
Read moreAll throughout time, so as long as there has been life on earth, the motions of life have sculpted the world we perceive each and every day. Life’s motions are…
Read moreStanding within the web trying to do my very best to make it through I manage to get to those that have become caught. In another world, in another time,…
Read moreDear Friends, Please forgive the delay in this post. These words have been in the works since Thanksgiving Day and it took several revisions to come up with a post…
Read moreThere is a simplicity contained within this three syllable word that tends to avoid the modern man. Give us these gifts for which we are truly grateful. Does this evoke…
Read moreI set iTunes to shuffle all my music and just now ‘You Don’t Have Very Far to Go’ by Merle Haggard played. Each time I hear a song from this…
Read more. . . the world could return to a simpler time. My fingers would not be tapping against a keyboard but pressing firmly upon keys of a typewriter or perhaps…
Read moreHalloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas have all come and gone for another year and now, here we are at the beginning of a new year. Father time seems to have caught…
Read moreYou boarded the train at the Auraria Campus station and sat directly across from me. Like nearly all of the young adults who boarded with you, your iPod ear buds…
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